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CVADA Board Meeting Minutes - October 16th, 2023

Writer's picture: Ron LaudadioRon Laudadio

Codroy Valley Area Development Association 

General Meeting of October 16, 2023, at Wetlands Building


In Attendance: 

Ron Laudadio, Nancy Power, April Gillam, Francis Peddle, Craig Collier, Elissa Hinks, Dion Devoe, Carolyn Aucoin, Lucy Poirier


Amy Taylor, Shelley Gale, Chris Bruce, Brad Moore,

Attending TourismSouthWest Event on behalf of the CVADA :

Tracy Keeping, Dale Lomond


Ron called the meeting to order.

  1. Meeting Minutes and Board Updates

Minutes from September 18 approved. 

Motion made, seconded and carried.

  1. Guests Peter and Ann Brownrigg

Community members Peter and Ann Brownrigg were invited to speak to the CVADA. They are interested in developing a calendar of events to be hosted at the Wetlands Centre. Proposed activities include art classes and chess club. Members were interested in their ideas and suggestions. The proposal will be passed to the CVADA social subcommittee for further consideration and discussion. They will also discuss other uses for the buildings, including rental for events like birthday parties. Peter and Ann were invited, and agreed, to join the social sub-committee.

  1. Starlight Trail Update

On behalf of the trails sub-committee, Ron gave a recap of the ongoing developments with regard to the Starlight trail enhancements. The planned developments will increase the length of the trail and make the trail accessible to a much greater number of tourist hikers. Items held confidential prior to funding announcement; public will not all that was discussed after the announcement.

  1. Wetland Building / Doyles Building

Francis gave an update on repairs he’s made to the Wetlands Building, including replacing the deadbolts. Some discussion surrounding possible uses for the Doyles building. The facilities subcommittee will meet to discuss this in more detail.

  1. Tourism Southwest Meeting

Tourism Southwest is hosting a meeting and dinner at Hotel Port aux Basques Oct. 16 (tonight). The CVADA was invited as a featured guest due to the funding that TSW has provided; Tracy and Dale are attending the meeting on our behalf.  

  1. Next Community Collaborative Event

Because of the significant trails announcement which should be forthcoming in the coming weeks, Ron suggested that our next community collaborative event in January focus on the potential business opportunities that this development could create. He proposed hosting an open space technology meeting, similar to the CVADA’s past collaborative events, to discuss ways the community can work together to benefit from this.  Motion made, seconded and carried.

  1. Wetlands Halloween Haunted House

The CVADA “Scream Team” gave an update on the ongoing preparation for the Haunted House to be hosted at the Wetlands Centre on Oct. 30. The committee put out an open call for community volunteers as it will need a significant number of people to both decorate for the event and participate on the day of the event.   Motion made to grant a $700 budget for the event for the purchase of necessary supplies and Halloween treats.  Motion made, seconded and carried.

  1. CVADA Constitution

Discussion around the CVADA constitution and the board’s desire to ensure it is updated, transparent and publicly available, along with the board’s finances.  The goal will be to do so before this year’s AGM.  Ron will approach community member, Jan Peddle, for his help with this project.

  1. General Updates:

  2. The collaborative Community Heritage Mapping meeting held at the Wetlands Centre and co-hosted by community member Roshi Caputo-Nimbark and Tourism NL was a success. Around eight community members attended.

  3. The CVADA report for GH2 has been submitted to government and is publicly available on the CVADA web page and Facebook page. 

  4. Although we appreciate the invitation to the Stewardship Association of Municipalities (SAM) fall business meeting in Bay Roberts, our attendance is not feasible this year.


Meeting adjourned at 9:15.



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